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Afanasieva 2000

Thorns and tubercles of the subfamilies
Polyentactiniinae, Bientactinosphaerinae, Astroentactiniinae and Entactiniinae
Upper Devonian, Middle Frasnian, Domanik Formation. Borehole Shuda-Yag-1003: fig. 1, 2, 9 - sample 72 (depth 71.9-72.4 m), fig. 3, 6, 8 - sample 29 (depth 105-106 m), fig. 4 - sample 68 (depth 73.3-73.5m), fig. 5 - sample 34 (depth 104.1-104.6 m), fig. 7 - sample 73 (depth 71.4-71.9 m).

1. Acute thorns (1-6).
Fig. 1. Polyentactinia kossistekensis Nazarov, FF-P001/010-11316 (bar=20µm).
Fig. 2. Bientactinosphaera inusitata (Foreman), FF-P001/020-08512 (=10µm).
Fig. 3. Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov, FF-P001/049-04521 (=15µm).
Fig. 4. Astroentactinia rusaevi Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/107-04726 (=17µm).
Fig. 5. Entactinia bifida Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/029-04604 (=20µm).
Fig. 6. Bientactinosphaera variacanthina (Foreman), FF-P001/015-04401 (=15µm).

2. Rounded thorns (7, 8).
Fig. 7. Bientactinosphaera miletenkoi Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/022-08831 (=15µm).
Fig. 8. Radiobisphaera assidera (Nazarov), FF-P001/101-04526 (=15µm).

3. Rounded thorn-tubercles (9)
Fig. 9. Moskovistella baccata Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/009-08518 (=10µm).