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Cyclampterium (?) milowi

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Abelmann, A., 1990. Oligocene to Middle Miocene radiolarian stratigraphy of southern high latitudes from Leg 113, Sites 689 and 690, Maud Rise. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, vol. 113, Barker, P. F. and Kennett, J. P., et al. [eds.], College Station, TX [Ocean Drilling Program], 675-708.
Chen, P. H., 1975b. Antarctic Radiolaria. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume 28, Hayes, D. E., Frakes, L. A., et al. [eds.], Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 437-513.
Petrushevskaya, M.G., 1975c. Cenozoic radiolarians of the Antarctic, Leg 29 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Kennett, J.P., Houtz, R.E., et al. [eds.], Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, D.C. (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 29: 541-675.
Riedel, W. R. and Sanfilippo, A., 1978a. Stratigraphy and evolution of tropical Cenozoic radiolarians. Micropaleontology, vol. 24, no. 1, 61-96.
Riedel, W.R. and Sanfilippo, A., 1971. Cenozoic Radiolaria from the western tropical Pacific, Leg 7. In: Winterer, E. L., Riedel, W. R., et al. [eds.], Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 7: 1529-1672.
Sanfilippo, A. and Riedel, W. R., 1973. Cenozoic Radiolaria [exclusive of theoperids, artostrobiids and amphipyndacids] from the Gulf of Mexico, DSDP Leg 10. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume 10, Worzel, J. L., Bryant, W., et al. [eds.], Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 475-611.











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