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Pterocorys minythorax

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Pterocorys minythorax (Nigrini) = Benson, 1966, pl. 33, fig. 5
Richard N. Benson (27/05/2004)
Benson (1966) recognized that his concept of Theoconus zancleus from the Gulf of California may comprise two separate taxa.

Nigrini (1968, p. 57) states that “…Benson’s [1966] description [of Theoconus zancleus] encompasses 2 species; the specimen shown on plate 33, figure 5 appears to be the same as [her newly described species] Theoconus minythorax, but the one in plate 33, figure 4 is not.”

Benson’s (1966) image of Theoconus zancleus in plate 33, figure 4 is identified as Pterocorys clausus (Popofsky) on the basis of comparison with Caulet and Nigrini’s (1988) plate 1, figs. 6-7.

For additional synonym see Caulet and Nigrini (1988, p. 231).











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