Lamprocyclas aegles (Ehrenberg, 1854) | Lamprocyclas hadros Nigrini and Caulet, 1992 |
Lamprocyclas hannai Clark and Campbell, 1944 | Lamprocyclas junonis (Haeckel, 1887) |
Lamprocyclas margatensis (Campbell and Clark, 1944) | Lamprocyclas maritalis Haeckel, 1887 |
Lamprocyclas maritalis group Haeckel, 1887 | Lamprocyclas prionotocodon Caulet, 1991 |
Lamprocyrtis daniellae Caulet, 1986 | Lamprocyrtis haysi Kling, 1973 |
Lamprocyrtis heteroporos (Hays, 1965) | Lamprocyrtis neoheteroporos Kling, 1973 |
Lamprocyrtis nigriniae (Caulet, 1971) | Lampromitra coronata Haeckel, 1887 |
Lampromitra cracenta Takahashi, 1991 | Lampromitra huxleyi (Haeckel, 1879) |
Lampromitra petrushevskae Dumitrica, 1973 | Lampromitra quadricuspis Haeckel, 1887 |
Larcopyle augusti Lazarus et al., 2005 | Larcopyle buetschlii group Dreyer, 1889 |
Larcopyle eccentricum Lazarus et al, 2005 | Larcopyle hayesi (Chen, 1975) |
Larcopyle labyrinthusa Lazarus et al., 2005 | Larcopyle nebulum Lazarus et al., 2005 |
Larcopyle peregrinator Lazarus et al., 2005 | Larcopyle polyacantha amplissima Lazarus et al., 2005 |
Larcopyle polyacantha polyacantha (Campbell and Clark, 1944) | Larcopyle polyacantha titan Lazarus et al, 2005 |
Larcopyle pylomaticus (Riedel, 1958) | Larcopyle titan (Campbell and Clark, 1944) |
Larcopyle weddellium Lazarus et al, 2005 | Larcospira bulbosa Goll and Björklund, 1989 |
Larcospira minor (Jørgensen, 1900) | Larcospira quadrangula Haeckel, 1887 |
Larcospira sp. Bjørklund et al., 1998 | Lipmanella bombus (Haeckel, 1887) |
Lipmanella dictyoceras (Haeckel, 1861) | Lipmanella tribranchiata Dumitrica, 1973 |
Lipmanella xiphephorum (Jørgensen, 1900) | Lirella melo (Cleve, 1899) |
Liriospyris elevata Goll, 1968 | Liriospyris globosa Goll, 1968 |
Liriospyris mutuaria Goll, 1968 | Liriospyris ovalis Goll, 1968 |
Liriospyris parkerae Riedel and sanfilippo, 1971 | Liriospyris reticulata (Ehrenberg, 1872) |
Litharachnium tentorium Haeckel, 1862 | Lithatractus timmsi Campbell and Clark, 1944 |
Lithelius spiralis Haeckel, 1860 | Lithocampe platycephala (Ehrenberg, 1873) |
Lithocampe wharanui Hollis, 1997 | Lithochytris vespertilio Ehrenberg, 1873 |
Lithomelissa brevispicula Popofsky, 1908 | Lithomelissa cheni Caulet, 1991 |
Lithomelissa ehrenbergii Bütschli, 1882 | Lithomelissa gelasinus O´Connor, 1997 |
Lithomelissa hystrix Jørgensen, 1900 | Lithomelissa laticeps Jørgensen, 1905 |
Lithomelissa pentacantha (Popofsky, 1913) | Lithomelissa robusta Chen, 1975 |
Lithomelissa setosa Jørgensen, 1900 | Lithomelissa sphaerocephalis Chen, 1975 |
Lithomelissa stigi Bjørklund, 1976 | Lithomelissa thoracites Haeckel, 1862 |
Lithomelissa tricornis Chen, 1975 | Lithomitra lineata Ehrenberg, 1839 |
Lithopera bacca Ehrenberg, 1872 | Lithopera baueri Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1970 |
Lithopera neotera Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1970 | Lithopera renzae Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1970 |
Lithostrobus cuspidatus (Bailey, 1856) | Lithostrobus hexagonalis Haeckel, 1887 |
Lithostrobus wero (Hollis, 1991) | Lonchosphaera spicata? Popofsky, 1908 |
Lophoconus titanothericeras Clark and Campbell, 1942 | Lophocorys norvegiensis Bjørklund and Kellogg, 1972 |
Lophocorys polyacantha Popofsky, 1913 | Lophocyrtis (Sciadiopeplus) oberhaensliae Sanfilippo, 1990 |
Lophocyrtis (Cyclampterium) hadra Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1986 | Lophocyrtis (Cyclampterium) milowi (Riedel and Sanfilippo, 1971) |
Lophocyrtis (Lophocyrtis ?) barbadense (Ehrenberg, 1873) | Lophocyrtis (Lophocyrtis) jacchia hapsis Sanfilippo and Caulet, 1998 |
Lophocyrtis (Paralampterium) ? galenum Sanfilippo, 1990 | Lophocyrtis (Paralampterium) ? longiventer (Chen, 1975) |
Lophocyrtis biaurita (Ehrenberg, 1873) | Lophocyrtis brachythorax (Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1970) |
Lophocyrtis dumitricai Sanfilippo, 1990 | Lophocyrtis exitelus Sanfilippo, 1990 |
Lophocyrtis leptetrum (Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1970) | Lophocyrtis nomas Sanfilippo and Caulet, 1998 |
Lophocyrtis pegetrum (Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1970) | Lophocyrtis semipolita (Clark and Campbell, 1942) |
Lophocyrtis tanythorax (Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1970) | Lophophaena clevei Petrushevskaya, 1971 |
Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg, 1872) | Lophophaena nadezdae Petrushevskaya, 1971 |
Lophophaena simplex Funakawa, 1994 | Lophophaena tekopua O'Connor, 1997 |
Lophophaena variabilis Petrushevskaya, 1971 | Lophophaena witjazii (Petrushevskaya, 1971) |
Lophophaena(?) thaumasia Caulet, 1991 | Lophospyris pentagona hyperborea (Jørgensen), emend. Goll, 1976 |
Lophospyris pentagona pentagona (Ehrenberg, emend. Goll, 1969) | Lophospyris pentagona quadriforis (Haeckel, 1887. Emend. Goll, 1976) |
Lychnocanium grande Campbell and Clark, 1944 | Lychnocanoma babylonis (Clark and Campbell, 1942) |
Lychnocanoma conica (Clark and Campbell, 1942) | Lychnocanoma elongata (Vinassa de Regny, 1900) |
Lychnocanoma magnacornuta (Sakai, 1980) | Lychnocanoma parallelipes Motoyama, 1996 |
Lychnocanoma sphaerothorax Weaver, 1976 |