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B: ??? Katherine Andrea León Palma (2009/07/15) | |
Additional photos II
C: Siphonosphaera tuburosa ??? Katherine Andrea León Palma (2009/08/10) | |
There are many 'prunoid' like spumellarians, and when incomplete or broken, as this specimen probably is, it is difficult or impossible to determine the species. Further, many of the Neogene/Recent species have not yet been clearly defined. This specimen most closely resembles either L. weddelium Lazarus et al. 2005 J. Micropal. or the form often labeled Spongurus cf. ellipticus in the literature, based on Nigrini and Moore's catalog (tho it is probably not the same as Ehrenberg's original ellipticus - see Suzuki et al in press for a re-illustration of this latter form). Dave Lazarus (2009/08/10) | |
These specimens (clearly not the same as the 'Spongurus cf. ellipticus' above) appear to be ellipsoidal bundles of radially arranged rods. I do not know of rads built this way. Definitely Not a collosphaerid in any case. Dave Lazarus (2009/08/10) | |
My Foraminifera colleague Richard Boettcher says he is 80% sure these are statoliths, which turn up commonly in foram preparations The foram people attribute the ones they see in marine samples to sponges, although an online search indicates that objects termed statoliths occur in a wide variety of animals and plants. They are structures involved in gravity-sensing organs, analogous to the balance-sensing otoliths in vertebrate ears. Stanley Kling (2009/08/11) | |
Comments to pictures B and C: sponge elements (selenasters or sphaerasters)
Please look up the article by Klaus Rützler (see http address in Figure legend at bottom). Klaus Rützler is discussing the Family Placospongiidae Gray, 1867. Kjell R. Bjørklund (2009/08/28) | |
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