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Afanasieva 2000

Inner framework and the first inner sphere of the subfamilies Pseudorotasphaerinae, Somphoentactiniinae and Spongentactiniinae
Upper Devonian: fig. 1-4 - Middle Frasnian, Domanik Formation; fig. 5, 6 - Famennian. Borehole Shuda-Yag-1003: fig. 1, 3 - sample 8 (depth 120.9-124 m), fig. 2 - sample 68 (depth 73.3-73.5m); fig. 4 - sample 72 (depth 71.9-72.4 m); borehole Zapadnaya Lekkeyaginskaya-65: fig. 5, 6 - sample 86g (depth 2460-2467 m).

Fig. 1. Russirad kazintsovae Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/026-04032 (bar=20µm).
Fig. 2. Retisphaera exquisita (Aitchison), FF-P001/062-04710 (=33µm).
Fig. 3, 4. Somphoentactinia gavrilovi Afanasieva, sp. nov.: 3 - FF-P001/063-11419 (=20µm); 4 - FF-P001/063-08435 (bar=20µm).
Fig. 5. Adamas cathedrarius Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/127-12828 (=23µm).
Fig. 6. Tetrentactinia barysphaera Foreman, FF-P001/126-13023 (=23µm).