Inner framework and the first inner sphere of the subfamily Bientactinosphaerinae
Upper Devonian, Middle Frasnian, Domanik Formation. Borehole Shuda-Yag-1003: fig. 1, 2 - sample 29 (depth 105-106 m), fig. 3 - sample 65 (depth 75-77.3 m), fig. 4, 6 - sample 72 (depth 71.9-72.4 m), fig. 5 - sample 68 (depth 73.3-73.5m); the Ukhta River, sampling site no. 4, sample V-29: fig. 7; the Lyajol River, outcrop no. 1904, sample 6: fig. 8.
Fig. 1, 2. Bientactinosphaera maslakovae Afanasieva, sp. nov.: 1 - FF-P001/023-10806 (bar=15µm), 2 - FF-P001/023-04826 (=10µm).
Fig. 3. Bientactinosphaera morozovi Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/116-04634 (=7µm).
Fig. 4. Bientactinosphaera australis (Aitchison), FF-P001/008-08502 (=10µm).
Fig. 5. Bientactinosphaera miletenkoi Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/022-04813 (=20µm).
Fig. 6. Bientactinosphaerapinica Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/045-08521 (=20µm).
Fig. 7. Radiobisphaera domanicensis (Bykova), FF-P001/102-13219 (=20µm).
Fig. 8. Radiobisphaera assidera (Nazarov), FF-P001/101-09725 (=27µm).