Porous structura of external skeleton sphere of the subfamilies
Astroentactiniinae, Bientactinosphaerinae and Entactiniinae
Upper Devonian, Middle Frasnian, Domanik Formation. Borehole Shuda-Yag-1003: fig. 1 - sample 73 (depth 71.4-71.9 m), fig. 2, 5 - sample 8 (depth 120.9-124 m), fig. 4 - sample 72 (depth 71.9-72.4 m), fig. 7 - sample 29 (depth 105-106 m), the Chut River, outcrop 8, sample 7d: fig. 3; the Lyajol River, outcrop no. 1904, sample 6: fig. 6.
1. Rounded pores, uniform size with rounded (1-6) and (7) flattened intervening bars
Fig. 1. Moskovistella lucet Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/054-08806 (bar=18µm).
Fig. 2. Bientactinosphaera morozovi Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/116-04033 (=7µm).
Fig. 3. Entactinia parva Won, FF-P001/098-13701 (=33µm).
Fig. 4. Radiobisphaera assidera (Nazarov), FF-P001/101-08506 (=4µm).
Fig. 5. Astroentactinia vishnevskayae Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/034-04134 (=20µm).
Fig. 6. Borisella bykovae Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/037-09534 (=15µm).
Fig. 7. Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov, FF-P001/049-04521 (=7µm).
2. Rounded pores, different size with flattened intervening bars (8)
Fig. 8. Moskovistella octoradiata Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/114-11001 (=15µm). |