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Afanasieva 2000

Upper Devonian, Middle Frasnian, Domanik Formation. Borehole Shuda-Yag-1003: fig. 1-3, 5, 6 - sample 68 (depth 73.3-73.5m); the Ukhta River, sampling site no. 4, sample V-29: fig. 4; the Lyajol River, outcrop no. 1904, sample 6: fig. 7, 8.

Fig. 1-8. Astroentactinia rusaevi Afanasieva, sp. nov.: 1-3 - holotype, FF-P001/107-04726, 1 - (bar=50µm), 2 - detail (=10µm), 3 - detail (=20µm); 4 - FF-P001/049-13115 (=33µm); 5, 6 - FF-P001/107-04729, 5 - detail (=17µm), 6 - (=67µm); 7 - FF-P001/107-09535 (=63µm); 8 - FF-P001/107-09603, detail (=10µm).