Plate 29
1-2 Stichopilium bicorne Haeckel; 1, dorsal view, VS-R-60b, 3-5cm, E17/4, 300x; 2, left lateral view, VS-R-64a, 1-3cm, G13/0, 300x.
3 Plectopyramis dodecomma Haeckel; VS-R-60a, 3-5cm, L21/2, 300x.
4 Peripyramis circumtexta Haeckel; VS-R-27b, 1-3cm, V38/0, 300x.
5-6 Litharachnium tentorium Haeckel; 5, oblique view of cephalis, VS-R-151a, 1-3cm, U31/0, 300x; 6, apical view of fully developed specimen, dark circular areas are diatoms, VS-R-133a, 1-3cm, Y14/2, 150x.
7-8 Cornutella profunda Ehrenberg; 7, VS-R-27b, 1-3cm, P44/2, 300x; 8, VS-R-27b, 1-3cm, T40/3, 300x.
9-10 Carpocanium petalospyris Haeckel; 9, VS-R-27b, 1-3cm, E51/1, 300x; 10, VS-R-27b, 1-3cm, 053/2, 300x.
11-12 Carpocanium sp.; 11, VS-R-27b, 1-3cm, F54/0, 300x; 12, VS-R- 60a, 3-5cm, V27/4, 300x.
13 Dictyocephalus mediterraneus Haeckel; VS-R-27b, 1-3cm, D32/3, 300x.
14-16 Theocalyptra davisiana (Ehrenberg); 14, VS-R-60a, 3-5cm, M36/1, 300x; 15, VS-R-27b, 1-3cm, E36/3, 300x; 16, VS-R-60a, 3-5cm, S10/0, 300x. |