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Takahashi 1991

Plate 51

Suborder: Phaeodaria
Family: Challengeriidae

Figure, Species, Station depth (m), Type of Micrograph, Magnification

1. Protocystis murrayi (Haeckel), Oral view, P1: 2778, SEM, x 230.

2. Protocystis murrayi (Haeckel), Ventral view, P1: 2778, SEM, x 180.

3. Protocystis murrayi (Haeckel), Lateral view, P1: 2778, SEM, x 160.

4. Protocystis sp. C, Lateral view, P1: 2778, LM, x 210.

5. Protocystis thomsoni (Murray), Lateral view, E: 988, LM, x 210.

6. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel, Dorsal view, E: 988, SEM, x 100.

7. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel, Laterl view, E: 988, SEM, x 90.

8. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel, Dorsal view, E: 988, LM, x 210.

9. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel, Inside view showing detail of a pharynx., E: 988, SEM, x 320.

10. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel, Microstructure showing amphorae and partially peeled off inside surface membrane., E: 988, SEM, x 9000.

11. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel, Microstructure showing amphorae and outside surface., E: 988, SEM, x 3200.

12. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel, Lateral view of a pharynx., E: 988, SEM, x 340.

13. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel, Same specimen, microstructure of the peristome., E: 988, SEM, x 1400.

14. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel, Same specimen, an enlarged view of figures 12-13. Note that this structure is a lateral cross section of amphorae which are slightly different in size and shape from those in main part of the shell., E: 988, SEM, x 3000.