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Takahashi 1991

Plate 62

Suborder: Phaeodaria,
Family: Conchariidae

Figure, Species, Station depth (m), Type of Micrograph, Magnification

1. Conchidium argiope Haeckel, Dorsal view, PB: 1268, LM, x 210.

2. Conchidium argiope Haeckel, Lateral view, P1: 2778, SEM, x 150.

3. Conchidium caudatum (Haeckel), Lateral view, E: 389, LM, x 210.

4. Conchidium caudatum (Haeckel), Lateral view, P1: 4208, SEM, x 150.

5. Conchidium caudatum (Haeckel), Lateral view of bivalves, E: 389, SEM, x 100.

6. Conchidium caudatum (Haeckel), Oblique apical view, E: 389, SEM, x 150.

7. Conchidium caudatum (Haeckel), A cross section showing several layers of different morphology with dissolution underway., P1: 2778, TEM, x 19200.

8. Conchidium caudatum (Haeckel), Skeletal surface morphology showing smooth texture., E: 389, SEM, x 1920.

9. Conchopsis compressa Haeckel, Lateral view, E: 988, LM, x 95.

10. Conchopsis compressa Haeckel, Lateral view of bivalves, E: 988, SEM, x 64.

11. Conchopsis compressa Haeckel, Skeletal surface morphology showing rough surface., E: 988, SEM, x 3200.

12. Conchopsis compressa Haeckel, View from inside valve, P1: 2778, LM, x 95.

13. Conchopsis compressa Haeckel, View from inside valve, E: 988, SEM, x 63.

14. Conchopsis compressa Haeckel, Dorsal view showing a prominant keel, E: 988, SEM, x 63.

15. Conchopsis compressa Haeckel, Lateral view of showing teeth, E: 988, SEM, x 66.

16. Conchopsis compressa Haeckel, Oblique view showing teeth and inside, E: 988, SEM, x 61.