Figures 6-7
Fig. 6. Skeletal elements noted by E. Haeckel (Haeckel, 1887).
I) Cortiniscus tripodiscus; II) Semantis biforis; III) Semantidium signatorium; IV) Lampromitra arborescens. a) apical horn; b) dorsal bar of the sagittal ring; c) caudal leg (does not correspond to Buetschli’s designation); e) corocal bars; d) scapular bars; f) furcal bars; z) sternal leg; p) pectoral legs; j) jugal pores; k) cardinal pores.
Fig. 7. Skeletal elements noted by Joergensen (Joergensen, 1905).
I) Lithomelissa laticeps; II) Plectacantha; III) Campylacantha, compare fig. 15, II and III. All skeletons are oriented differently than in other authors. A) apical horn; D) dorsal spine; Lr and Ll) right and left lateral spines; l and d) branches of basic spines; V) vertical spine; cr) central bar; Br, Bl and Bv) basal arches.