Figure 63
Species close to or belonging to the genus Antarctissa.
I, II) Lophophaenoma sp. C, Upper Eocene, California, A1790 (I, with horn; II, without horn); III, IV) lphophaenoma sp. M Middle Miocene, AMPH 6P (III, general view; IV, inner structure); V) Lophophaeninae gen. sp. similar to Lophophaenoma sp. C, Middle Miocene, AMPH 6P; VI, VII) Antarctissa cf. longa (Popofsky), bottom sediment, Antarctic, “Obj”: VI) station 291, 119-121 cm; VII) station 111, 1423-1427 cm; VIII) A. strelkovi, surface sediment, Antarctic, “Obj” station 180.