Figure 125
Species of the genus Lithamphora.
I-III) Lithamphora sp. described as Eucyrtidium nereidum Ehr, 1872a, surface layer of the sediment, Norwegian Sea, “Sevastopol”: I, II) station 2104 (form of shell varies); III) station 1378; IV-VI) Lithamphora cf. Furcaspiculata: IV, V) plankton, Pacific Ocean, “Vityaz”, station 5124, 150m (form of shell varies); VI) surface layer of the bottom sediment, Indian Ocean, “Obj” station 293; VII-IX) L. furcaspiculata Popofsky typ., surface layer of the sediment, Antarctic, “Obj”: VII) station 29; VIII, IX) station 17 (VIII, lateral; IX, anterior).