Figure 145
Spyrida with skeletons consisting of one sagittal ring.
I-III) Acanthodesmia acanthopora (Popofsky), plankton, Pacific Ocean, “Vityaz”: I, II) station 3534 (I, lateral; II, from above); III) station 5110, 100m; IV-IX) Zygocircus capulosus Popofsky, plankton, Pacific Ocean, “Vityaz”: IV-VI) station 5069, 0m (specimens at various stages of the development of the sagittal ring, differing also in its form); VII) station 5145; VIII, IX) station 5117, 100m (2 specimens, the ring of which varies in form); X, XI) Z. productus (Hertwig), plankton, Pacific Ocean, “Vityaz”, station 5124 (2 specimens with a ring varying in form as well as in the number of spines on it); XII) close form, Middle Miocene, DODO 41P; XIII) Zygocircus sp. upper Miocene, PROA 88P; XIV) Acanthodesmiidae gen. sp. Middle Miocene, AMPH 6P.