Figure 24
Skeletons of some Nassellaria.
I-IV) Pseudocubus vema from the stratum of bottom sediments from the Antarctic, station 212, "Obj": I) from above (horizon 59-61 cm); II) anteriorly, broken; III) from below, part; IV) from below (horizon 213-215 cm); V, VI) Pseudocubus B, from the stratum of bottom sediments of the Indian Ocean, station 327 "Obj"; V) from above (horizon 75-77 cm); VI) from below (horizon 470-472 cm); VII, VIII) Plagiacanthidae gen. sp. from the stratum of bottom sediments in the Indian Ocean "Vityaz", station 4599: VII) from above (horizon 540-550 cm), VIII) structure of the central skeleton of the same specimen; IX, X) Plectacantha sp. from the plankton of the Pacific Ocean, RIS 44; IX) more adult specimen; X) younger specimen (at greater magnification). |