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Takahashi 1991

Takahashi, K., 1991. Radiolaria: flux, ecology, and taxonomy in the Pacific and Atlantic. In: Ocean Biocoenosis, Series No. 3, Honjo, S. (editor), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Press, 303 pp. (63 plates)

Acknowledgement to Kozo Takahashi for giving us permission to upload the plates and for doing the scanning. Many thanks to Seiji Tanaka for OCR'ing the captions. The plates and captions are prepared for web by Jane Dolven.

Note by the author:
The 63 plates illustrated here and their captions are from Takahashi (1991). The contents of the 63 plates are fundamentally the same as those published earlier as a WHOI Techinical Report in Takahashi (1981), although there are tribual revision took place in plate captions (one or two places) aside from differences in page numbers. The contents of the photographic illustration are identical in both publications.

Takahashi, K., 1981. Vertical flux, ecology and dissolution of Radiolaria in tropical oceans: Implications from the silica cycle. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, W.H.O.I. 81-103, pp. 461.

29 November 2004, Kozo Takahashi

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