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Aulacantha scolymantha

Reference - Add synonym and reference
Borgert, A., 1901. Die nordischen Tripyleen-Arten. Nordisches Plankton, vol. 15: 1-52.
Haeckel, E., 1862. Die Radiolarien (Rhizopoda Radiaria) - Eine monographie. Reimer, Berlin, 572 pp.
Haeckel, E., 1887. Report on the Radiolaria collected by the H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 18, 1803 pp.
Hertwig, R., 1879. Der Organismus der Radiolarien. Jenaische Denkshr., vol. 2: 129-277.
Jørgensen, E., 1900. Protophyten und Protozöen in Plankton aus der norwegischen Westküste. Bergens Museums Aarbog [1899], no. 6: 51-112 (+ 4 radiolarian plates).











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