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Anthocyrtella (?) kruegeri

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Petrushevskaya, M.G., 1975c. Cenozoic radiolarians of the Antarctic, Leg 29 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Kennett, J.P., Houtz, R.E., et al. [eds.], Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, D.C. (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 29: 541-675.
Petrushevskaya, M.G., and Koslova, G.E., 1972. Radiolaria: Leg 14, Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Hayes, D.E., Pimm, A.C., et al. [eds.], Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, D.C. (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 14: 495-648.
Popofsky, A., 1908. Die Radiolarien der Antarktis. Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition (1901-1903). Zoologie, vol. 10 (3): 185-305.











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