Aulacantha scolymantha
Haeckel, 1862
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Aulacantha scolymantha (p. 1575):
Radial tubes cylindrical, straight, of nearly equal breadth throughout their whole length, somewhat inflated on the proximal basal end, smooth throughout the greater part of their length, but in the distal third dentate, with numerous (ten to forty) small pointed teeth, which are curved outwards, and shorter than the thickness of the tube.
Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.5 to 2.0, breath 0.01 to 0.02.
Habitat.—Cosmopolitan; Mediterranean, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific; at many Stations; surface and at various depths; the most common of all Aulacanthida. | Haeckel 1887 | Aulacantha scolymantha (p. 88):
Länge der Radialröhren 0.900mm, Breite 0.009.
Diese grosse und schöne Art ist bei uns sehr selten: Herløfjord, April; Byfjord 7/11 und 21/11 1898, in Proben aus 0-400m. Tiefe. | Jørgensen 1900 |